Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thought of the Day

Inner dialogue...We all have one. Those thoughts and questions we have in our head that we know we shouldn't vocalize. How old is she? How much does she weigh? I wonder if she has had work done? Etc. Etc. For those of you sitting there saying "I don't do that..." You are lying and just for thinking that...yes you do :)

So with that being said, I would like to add another to the list. I wonder if her child is ____(fill in age here)? Now don't get me wrong...I don't think it is bad and I don't mind when someone comes and asks me "How old is your child?" but I don't appreciate it when they throw a random number out there. For example, Taylor and I were in Wal-Mart checking out when the check out lady started talking to him. No biggy...they usually do, he is a good looking kid...if I do say so myself... Anyway, this is how it went. (I can fill in my own inner dialogue because I know that is what I was thinking, I had to guess on hers.)

Her: "Oh what a cute boy you have!"

Me: "Yes, we are very blessed to have a wonderful child."

Her: "He must be about 2 1/2. I have a grand child that age and he's about that size."

Me: "Actually he just turned 17 months. He's a little bit big for his age."

She then stopped checking me out and stared at Taylor and said "Wow...he really is large."

My inner dialouge kicks in "Large..are you kidding me...he's a child, not a size at McDonalds. He is large, but you know what...one day your grandkid is going to be sitting at home or in college wishing he could have Taylor's autograph. Taylor will be playing in the SEC championship or the majors...being large."

While she is standing there STILL STARING I can just hear in her head "Oh my goodness...what is she feeding this child??"

So when she finally stopped staring and she finished checking us out and we left.

With that being said, Taylor has been in the 80th or so percentile all his life in height, weight, and head size. Dustin's side of the family has a history of tall, stout men. Taylor is going to be a big kid. His Granddad thinks he is going to be "the heavy weight champion of the world."

Whew....I feel better...

1 comment:

LeslieTummel said...

My cousin's pediatrician called her a "jersey cow" at all her kids check-ups (well, when they were babies) because they were so huge for their age. she thought it was hysterical. as long as he's a healthy kid, who cares?!