Friday, March 21, 2008

New Web Site

Please visit my new web site! I finally got it done, and I would love to have feedback from you all. It is very basic, but I think it does the job. Hopefully I will be able to start making money from home and be able to re-evaluate future plans.

God Bless, Caroline

Monday, March 17, 2008

Looking Pretty

If there are any males that read this...I am giving you fair warning that this is a very girly blog...

Yesterday my wonderful husband told me to take the day to myself and go shopping. That may be dangerous, except I am the one who does the I know how much money we really have :) I had a free panty card from Victoria's Secret, which I love to get! Who doesn't like free stuff...especially underwear. Sure, they only let you get the boring colors for free, but it's still FREE. The card also let me get $10 off any bra. I love Victoria's Secret bras, but hate to pay the price. I decided to try one on. Of course I loved it. Why is it that society puts such an emphasis on us to look pretty and natural, but it costs SO MUCH to do so? Just like everything in get what you pay for. Luckily, there was a long lost Victoria's Secret gift card in my wallet!! I ended up paying $8 for a $45 dollar bra. For anyone who cares, the new Biofit Bras are wonderful. I would buy one in every color if I could, but for now I'll have to deal with the one I have :)

Secondly, I was on a mission to find something cute to wear for Easter. Taylor has been sick lately, and is still sick as we speak...but I am thinking positive that he will get better by this weekend. I am patiently waiting on the doctor's office to call me back, to see if I can get him on another kind of antibiotic. Anyway, my mission... It's amazing how I've forgotten how to shop for myself. It's really easy to shop for Taylor and even easy to shop for Dustin, but since I've had a child...I've forgotten how to shop for me!! Tragic...I know... I am a shopper, but now I second guess EVERYTHING and debate on the price. While looking for a bridal shower present I saw something I just had to try on. They had to be the cutest pair of shoes I've ever seen. A pair of pink and white polka-dott pumps. During my 27 years of life I've never bought a pair of "fun" shoes. Don't get me wrong...I love shoes, especially heels, but normally I wear boots. My family is not blessed with the smallest of ankles, so pumps tend to draw attention to this. So I tried them on. I loved them. Even better...they are ON SALE! After about 20 minutes of debating, and taking them off and putting them on, rolling my jeans down and pulling them up...I bought them.

So...if my child is better by Sunday and you will see me on Easter, check out my shoes :)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Words, Words, Words

When I was a senior in high school my English teacher, Mrs. Freeman assigned us a 5 minute speech titled, "Words, Words, Words." I remember we could write a poem about what we learned that year and had to site 15 specific things (this is the one I did), talk about a life changing event, talk about our plans for the future, or just about anything we wanted to. I remember people talking about mistakes they had made, problems they had, and the futures they planned to have. While I thought this was just another speech, I remember her talking about the importance of words and the power they had over people. 10 years later, this is one of the most vivid memories I had of this class. I remember people crying through their speeches, I remember people laughing, and I really remember the A I got on the speech :)

10 years later, I realize she is right. You always hear "Actions speak louder than words." I don't know that I believe that anymore. While it is nice when people do nice things for you, and you don't expect it, it also takes alot for someone to look you in the face and say "I love you" or "I am sorry" and really mean it and know in their hearts WHY they love you or why they are sorry. It may just be the sappy girl in me, but words are really starting to mean more. While someone can say they are sorry for something they said, you still remember what they said. You can misunderstand what they mean, but you still heard what they said and they had to think it to say it. You also can remember the times people said "I'm really glad you called" or "I really enjoyed our time together, I had alot of fun" or even simply "I'm praying for you." Maybe it's just because I am such a black and white person or maybe it's because Taylor is starting to talk, but words are becoming more important to me and they stick with me longer.

It's so exciting to see Taylor go in his room, go straight for his fish light and say "fish." Right now it sounds kind of like "dish" but he knows what that is. He comes up to you and signs more, but then says "juice." You ask him to put his toy on the table, and he does it. Words are becoming meaningful to him and not just background noise.

I should have said it then, but better late than never...Thank you Mrs. Freeman.