Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Too Quick!

If you have children...don't blink, you might miss something.

Taylor is growing up too quick! Everyday he gets more animated and is developing quite the sneaky personality. Yesterday I laid him down for a nap when I got him home and he fought and fought and fought. He DID NOT want to lay down and he DID NOT want to take a nap. Usually if I leave him in there (he's still in the crib) he'll stop fighting it and give in and lay down. I was in the guest bedroom sewing and I could hear him talking and yelling for me. All of a sudden, it stopped. I figured he had finally given in and laid down. Then I hear a big BOOM! I run into the room to find Taylor standing at the door "Hi Momma! Hi Momma!" AND he has taken his clothes off.

Wow...he's two...he's REALLY REALLY two.

Lately I have heard that three is the new two...if that is true, don't tell me yet :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

They are still out there...

Yesterday morning I did my normal routine. Got up REALLY early...got ready...went to get my purse together...made sure I had everything...went to the diaper bag to get my wallet (we had went shopping the day before, so I put it in there), and IT WAS NOT THERE. So I go back to my purse and make sure I hadn't gotten ahead of myself and put it in there, and it wasn't there either. Now I go to the truck and search it to see if I dropped it when we went shopping the night before, not there either. Now I feel sick. I then search the the house to see if Taylor happened to get it out and play with it...can't find it... By this point I was freaking out. Dustin got up and helped me look, and he couldn't find it. I called Wal-Mart to see if someone had turned it in...nope.

I now calm myself as best I can and call to cancel all my cards. Great. Now I am thinking through everything I had in my wallet... Again, I feel sick.

Before I head to work, I figure it wouldn't hurt to drive out to Wal-Mart to see if someone else had found it. Sadly, no....

Now I head into work...driving very carefully, because it wouldn't be a lot of fun to get pulled over without a license... Over the next few hours I continue to check on the activity on my cards and there hasn't been any yet. Then Dustin calls. He tells me to write down the number he was giving me. He had just gotten a call from First TN about my wallet. Turns out someone found it in the parking lot and picked it up and was trying to get ahold of me. I called her and she had my wallet at her house!!!!!

I went to her house to get it and could not believe everything was still there. She wanted me to go through my wallet in front of her, so I knew she didn't steal anything.

It's nice to know there are nice people out there still...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Embroidery Machine For Sale

I am selling my Embroidery Machine! I am wanting to upgrade and need to sell mine first.

It's a Deco 330 by Bernina. It's a wonderful machine and super easy to use.

Please let me know if you are interested and and I can get you more info!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It has begun...

Through Taylor's life, he's been a great baby. He was always in a good mood, rarely cried, ate and slept well...then he became a toddler :) Now he still is such a blessing to us, but he is VERY two years old. The past few days, I've gotten a taste of the fun that is to come.

For one, we had his two year well visit yesterday. When we got there, he was in a great mood. He was talking to everyone, waving and everyone, and acting like he was so big. Then it went downhill from there. The first thing they did, was prick his finger. Why would they do that FIRST? I understand it takes time to process, but could they not have done that after he saw the doctor and then give him the results?? Anyway, he wasn't happy about having his finger stuck and after that he was glued to me and didn't want anyone else to touch him. He did get distracted by the band-aid on his finger, and that helped for a few minutes, but Taylor loves stickers right now and to him the band-aid was a fun sticker to put on him. Not a big deal, except his finger was pouring blood, so he got blood all over me, the floor and himself. Finally that stopped bleeding and the doctor came in. He immediately began to tell the doctor "bye bye" repeatedly I guess in hopes that he would get the hint and leave :) When the doctor started to talk to him and examine him, he began to cry and scream. That didn't stop for a good 20 minutes. Keep in mind Taylor has always loved our pediatrician and never minded going to the doctor...so this was new to us all. We finally got through the exam and then he got a flu shot...more fun. The doctor said Taylor was doing great. He recommended us to get him evaluated by speech therapy, so that will be our next stop. He said it may be helpful, or they may say he's just a boy...they tend to develop speech slower. He is 35 inches tall (65th percentile), 31 lbs and 2 oz (80th percentile), and his head was 51 cm (94th percentile).

Secondly, I had my first encounter with 911. Not because we had an emergency, not because something was wrong, but because Taylor called. He loves to babble endlessly to anyone or no one on the other line of the phone, so when he was playing with the phone while I was sewing I didn't think anything of it. Then he started to act like he was actually talking to someone. He would say a few things, then wait, they say a few things, then wait, so I went over to him and I heard someone on the phone saying "Sweetie...is your mommy or daddy home? I really need to talk to your mommy or daddy." I took the phone from him and he had called 911 and I got a lecture about being more careful and if he calls again, we will be fined. Wonderful.

The fun of toddlerhood has began :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Working in the medical field has opened my eyes to all kinds of people. Now that I am actually doing clinical work and asking all the "before test" questions, I get to hear all that the patients have to say. We have a wide variety of patients, from young 20 somethingers who have positive family history to 80 year olds who are in for their yearly stress test, but sadly across the board there are so many people who WANT to be sick. Granted, no one ever admits they are faking, or embellishing but it is easy to tell, even with my limited medical knowledge. I can't imagine wanting to be sick, or being dissapointed when a test comes back negative. Many, many times when we are done stressing patients and the cardiologist speaks with them and tells them their strips look great, they question them. Are you sure? Did he/she see something when I was having pain? How long has he/she been a doctor? Does he/she know what they are doing? How many of these tests have they done?

Also, the medication lists... I understand medicine is almost inevitable, but some of these people have to have platinum cards to the drug stores (preferably Walgreens).

I like being healthy...I like not taking medicine...I like it when I go to the doctor and they tell me everything looks good. So now I ask myself...Is that weird??