Friday, February 8, 2008

Must be a Mistake

There must be a mistake. That is the only logical explanation.

I sent in Taylor's picture to Regis and Kelly's Beautiful Baby Search and if you were a finalist, they were going to be calling you sometime this week, so you could be swept away to New York for the tapings next week. It is now Friday and they have not called yet.


Anonymous said...

If you and/or Kary neither one got a's DEFINATELY poor judgment on Regis & Kelly's part. We'll blame Gellman too! (Debbie Lay says WE know who the prettiest baby's are anyway)

Anonymous said...

OK, I agree! I entered Anna's picture and she didn't get chosen either! I think Taylor and Anna should have at least been in the top 10! And have they even showed their picture yet? What an injustice. They are just too cute for words!