Tuesday, October 21, 2008

They are still out there...

Yesterday morning I did my normal routine. Got up REALLY early...got ready...went to get my purse together...made sure I had everything...went to the diaper bag to get my wallet (we had went shopping the day before, so I put it in there), and IT WAS NOT THERE. So I go back to my purse and make sure I hadn't gotten ahead of myself and put it in there, and it wasn't there either. Now I go to the truck and search it to see if I dropped it when we went shopping the night before, not there either. Now I feel sick. I then search the the house to see if Taylor happened to get it out and play with it...can't find it... By this point I was freaking out. Dustin got up and helped me look, and he couldn't find it. I called Wal-Mart to see if someone had turned it in...nope.

I now calm myself as best I can and call to cancel all my cards. Great. Now I am thinking through everything I had in my wallet... Again, I feel sick.

Before I head to work, I figure it wouldn't hurt to drive out to Wal-Mart to see if someone else had found it. Sadly, no....

Now I head into work...driving very carefully, because it wouldn't be a lot of fun to get pulled over without a license... Over the next few hours I continue to check on the activity on my cards and there hasn't been any yet. Then Dustin calls. He tells me to write down the number he was giving me. He had just gotten a call from First TN about my wallet. Turns out someone found it in the parking lot and picked it up and was trying to get ahold of me. I called her and she had my wallet at her house!!!!!

I went to her house to get it and could not believe everything was still there. She wanted me to go through my wallet in front of her, so I knew she didn't steal anything.

It's nice to know there are nice people out there still...

1 comment:

LeslieTummel said...

That makes my heart feel good! :)