Thursday, October 9, 2008

It has begun...

Through Taylor's life, he's been a great baby. He was always in a good mood, rarely cried, ate and slept well...then he became a toddler :) Now he still is such a blessing to us, but he is VERY two years old. The past few days, I've gotten a taste of the fun that is to come.

For one, we had his two year well visit yesterday. When we got there, he was in a great mood. He was talking to everyone, waving and everyone, and acting like he was so big. Then it went downhill from there. The first thing they did, was prick his finger. Why would they do that FIRST? I understand it takes time to process, but could they not have done that after he saw the doctor and then give him the results?? Anyway, he wasn't happy about having his finger stuck and after that he was glued to me and didn't want anyone else to touch him. He did get distracted by the band-aid on his finger, and that helped for a few minutes, but Taylor loves stickers right now and to him the band-aid was a fun sticker to put on him. Not a big deal, except his finger was pouring blood, so he got blood all over me, the floor and himself. Finally that stopped bleeding and the doctor came in. He immediately began to tell the doctor "bye bye" repeatedly I guess in hopes that he would get the hint and leave :) When the doctor started to talk to him and examine him, he began to cry and scream. That didn't stop for a good 20 minutes. Keep in mind Taylor has always loved our pediatrician and never minded going to the this was new to us all. We finally got through the exam and then he got a flu shot...more fun. The doctor said Taylor was doing great. He recommended us to get him evaluated by speech therapy, so that will be our next stop. He said it may be helpful, or they may say he's just a boy...they tend to develop speech slower. He is 35 inches tall (65th percentile), 31 lbs and 2 oz (80th percentile), and his head was 51 cm (94th percentile).

Secondly, I had my first encounter with 911. Not because we had an emergency, not because something was wrong, but because Taylor called. He loves to babble endlessly to anyone or no one on the other line of the phone, so when he was playing with the phone while I was sewing I didn't think anything of it. Then he started to act like he was actually talking to someone. He would say a few things, then wait, they say a few things, then wait, so I went over to him and I heard someone on the phone saying " your mommy or daddy home? I really need to talk to your mommy or daddy." I took the phone from him and he had called 911 and I got a lecture about being more careful and if he calls again, we will be fined. Wonderful.

The fun of toddlerhood has began :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Taylor isn't the only one who doesn't like going to the doctor, Anna cried through getting her measurements! Just think, one day you will wish you were back in the toddler phase! They say..enjoy every minute. At least you can see the humor in it!