Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rewind Button

Lately I have been wanting a rewind button in my life. Taylor is officially 2 1/2 and I am noticing things that could have been done different with him and probably should have been done different. It is very hard not to baby your first born... I have realized that we have done that WAY too much for Taylor. Because of this we are trying to break some habits we have fallen into and have run into a wall of frustration. I know this is all just a phase and it will pass, but right now I am thinking of many things that could have helped us NOT get to this point. I should have let him get his hands dirty more, I should have introduced solids earlier and in more variety, I should have let him feed himself more... All in all I am thankful and blessed for my healthy toddler and thankful God helps us by not letting them remember most of this time :)


Pamela S said...


You are an excellent mother and Taylor is a well behaved, well fed, smart, healthy, loving child. You both are doing just fine.

Love you

Anonymous said...

Ditto Pamela's comment. You will always find things you wish you could have done differently...that is why they call it learning! Always remember that you are a great mom and always have his best interests at heart. Remember our little episode with Kerrigan after Taylor was born? You are not the only one!