Monday, November 3, 2008

Hard Life of a Two Year Old

Lately Taylor has been perfecting his ability to throw a full blown tantrum. I think he's got it pretty much down pat. Perfect screaming...perfect drop to the ground...and the all important perfect timing. I know he's two... I know most kids go through this...but it is still very embarrassing. Because I over-analyze everything, I've been thinking about why Taylor does this and this is what I came up with.

From Taylor's point of view...the past weekend...

I am sleeping so soundly, having great dreams of slides, tractors and cars...only to be woke up by Daddy. Time to go to Grandma's. I get there and that girl (cousin Raya) is STILL THERE. Sure she's fun to chase around, and she does pick up all my toys that I throw...but she also takes away from the hugs. For some reason, they like her too. I struggle through the day and make it till Mommy finally comes to get me. She's excited about something, so we hurry home. I didn't get to "talk" to Grandpa. Why not? I ask this in a screaming fashion... We get home and she puts this ridiculous outfit on me and constantly asks me to jump like a frog. I showed you once already hasn't changed in the last 5 minutes. Then she wants to take pictures. More pictures....more pictures...and more pictures. I keep telling her I don't like this hat and take it off, but she keeps putting it back on. Then the people start showing up. I did have fun giving them candy, but why can't it eat more than a few pieces??? There is plenty there. They have tons in their bags...I don't get it. Mommy and Daddy keep telling me to put the candy back. Fine. I'll do it, but I won't like it. Finally they take the costume off!! Woo Hoo!

Saturday...yeah for Saturday. I get to sleep in! Mommy comes in when I call for her and gets me out of bed. I get to eat breakfast...waffles, yummy...but Mommy keeps trying to put other nasty things on my plate. I'm not going to eat it. I won't. I don't care if you tell me I'll like it. Nope. After a bit of playing, Mommy says we are going bye-bye. Yeah!! I love to go bye-bye. I run to the car and climb in the front seat. Time to drive! Mommy won't let me. Why not?? WHY NOT?? Then I find out we are going grocery shopping. Not too bad...just hurry every chance you get Momma. You know you only have a small time frame here before I am over it. I'll time you...GO! Finally the fun part of the store, the frozen food! My FAVORITE part! I love to open and close the doors...and open and close and open and close and open and close... No one ever tells us to stop, so why does Mommy make me?? If I scream loud enough maybe she'll give in. No luck. Back at home. Time for a nap. Not excited about it, but I am kind of tired. Fine...I'll give in. Wake up from a great nap to find Daddy. Yeah!! Going bye-bye again! We end up at Grandpa and Grandma's house. Now there are more people there. Aunt Kary and Uncle Ray and Jacob have come to pick up Raya. Why do they want me to hug them so bad? Why does Aunt Kary want a kiss so bad? I didn't give you one the first time, I'm not going to give you one the 20th time you ask me. Get over it. Time to go home...boy am I tired.

Sunday...get to sleep in AGAIN! Mommy comes to wake me and it's off to church we go. She's always so worried about my hair and sprays me with that dumb water bottle. I wish she'd stop. Now we're at church. We pass the slides and swings, but we can't stop. Get to the classroom and she leaves me!! Where did she go? Is she coming back? These people are nice enough but WHERE IS MY MOMMY?? After what seems like forever...she comes back, whew. Time for a nap...I guess... Wake up and play and then Mommy puts that dumb costume on me AGAIN. I'll show you ONE TIME how a frog jumps. Pay attention Mommy, you're only getting this once. Get to Grandpa and Grandma's house. More pictures. I don't want to hold Raya's hand...I don't want to sit down with her. Not going to do it. Why doesn't she have to wear a hat?? I go into the playroom/office and see the greatest toy ever. A SLIDE!!! Let me push it out into the living room so I can play with it. Mommy comes to put it up. She says it's time to go to church. I don't want to go...I want to slide. Maybe if I scream loud enough she'll give in. Didn't work. We get to church and there are way too many people telling me how cute I am, and wanting to touch me. Don't like it, not one bit. I don't want to play the games. I don't want to ride the train. I want to take this costume off!!! Whoa...wait a second. I see a car. I see a car with a big steering wheel. Maybe if I reach for this nice man, he'll put me in his car and let me drive. It worked! He was handing out candy out of the trunk and let me play in his car. This is great!!! Then Mommy ruined my fun and took me out. Time to cry. Let's try louder...didn't work. Finally go back home and take the costume. I hope that is the end of that.

So as you can's rough being a two year old. I have every reason in the world to throw a tantrum :) I don't know why people don't understand this...


Ashlee said...

A two year old does have a tough life. All that running around is exhausting!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You have it down pat! He isn't the only one having a hard life and that just puts in perspective why they give us a hard time!

Grandma said...

Nah...he may have wanted you to think that just to get more attention from you. BUT, Taylor knows his Grandma's lap is big enough for two and no one ever gets more hugs than the other. Grandma likes hugs too much. :-)