Saturday, September 6, 2008

New 90210

So I have officially been sucked in... I have always been a sucker for teeny-bopper dramas, and the new 90210 is no exception. I have always LOVED the original 90210 and still watch the re-runs now. I was afraid they would try to type cast the new cast into the same roles as the old show, but they really didn't. There are lots of similarities in some of the characters, but it is definitely not a carbon copy of the original. Another aspect I liked is the tie-ins to the old story lines. Kelly Taylor is a guidance counselor and Brenda Walsh is back!!! For those of us who watched the old show were able to giggle at the inside jokes they threw in there through the whole episode. Kelly was even able to laugh at herself and her old character at one point. They did leave it open to follow the original cast and the new ones. I love it!! I already have tons of questions that need answers...Who is the father of Kelly's kid? Where is David in all the Silver family drama?

The writers did a great job getting new watchers and appealing to us original fans. They got me :)

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