Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 30

I'm excited!! It is almost time for the Sex in the City movie! I LOVE the show. That may surprise a few people, but it really is hilarious. Some of the topics are a bit much for me and my ears, but the friendship these characters share is wonderful and gives us all girls hope for "that" group of friends. One weekend my friend Katie and I watched every episode. Yup...every episode.

I don't know if I am the only one that does this, but as I get into a show I find myself compairing myself to the characters in it. I do understand it's not reality, but it's fun to find common ground and things to relate to. While I'd like to say I am like Carrie, I am pretty much nothing like Carrie. We do share a love of good shoes though. Her clothes are always so off the wall and I find myself wondering if anyone REALLY dresses like that. I will happily say I am most like Charlotte. She's the most conservative of the four and tends to be the most romantic. She dresses pretty "normal" and it is hard for her to step out on any ledge in life, change is hard for her. The biggest difference in me and Charlotte is Harry. Thankfully, I have more of a Mr. Big/Smith in my life. Also thankfully, I am pretty much nothing like Samantha...she does have a genuine love for her friends, but we won't even go there. Then there is Miranda. While she is a wonderful mother and in the end wants to be happy with Steve, which I can see in my life, she is too judging for me.

I guess I am just a sucker for a good girl movie. While I am blessed with a life worth being proud of, it is always fun to leave reality for a few hours and live in someone else's. Why not Carrie Bradshaw's?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, it is my guilty pleasure too. I can't wait for the movie! Girls movie night here I come!