Thursday, April 3, 2008

It takes all kinds...

It's 4 am and I just got up with a screaming child. I would say baby, but once I picked him up, I realized how un-baby he was. He is getting so big... Anyway, that is not the point. When I got him up out of his bed, we headed downstairs to get a bottle of water and maybe a little milk. I hesitated when I got it for him, because he is 19 months old. I know this is my own OCD talking in my head, and you know what...I know he'll go back to sleep with it, and it helps him when he is upset. He never took a pacifier, as hard as I tried, so oh well if he wants a bottle when he is upset in the middle of the night. I say that to say, it really does take all kinds. For some reason it made me think of a little girl at my neice's birthday party. My sister told me that this 3 year old, pretty and smart little girl, still slept in a crib. I was asking her when she had put her child in a "big girl bed" and it led to the discussion of this little girl. Her parents think she is safer in a crib, so she still sleeps in one. You'd never know it by looking at her, so obviously the parents can't mess up the kids that much :) Not talking bad about them, because we all do what we think is best. So, somewhere out there someone is saying that about me...because I still give my child a bottle at 19 months. But I've come to realize...oh really does take all kinds :)

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